Where in the World are Top Travel Bloggers Going?
Fair warning that this is a long article featuring a bunch of maps, graphs, and even a little math. Over the past [way-too-long] I have entered in the travels of 15 famous travel bloggers from all over the world -- 2069 unique cities and 176 unique countries to be exact. I aimed for diversity in my sources in terms of gender, country/region of origin, age, and travel style (solo, family, couple) to get a comprehensive picture of where the “average” travel blogger has been. In doing so I got to see photos of unbelievable nature, incredible tales of hospitality and generosity shown from hosts of every country and walk of life, and a few exhilarating stories I am glad not to be a part of (kidnapping, motorcycle crashes, etc.). Ultimately, it was a way to "travel" during 2020/2021 and a welcome, safe escape from quarantine. My goals with this work and post are two-fold: I wanted to know where some of the top travel bloggers have been going (and where they weren’t) to see i...